Brad Anderson

109 E Main St Perry, MO 63462

Licensed in MO

(417) 827-7500

View Brad's Listings

Brad Anderson

Coming from a poultry and cattle farm in central Missouri, Brad was raised with hard work and a love for the outdoors. He spent his early years hunting and fishing near the Lake of the Ozarks on his family farm. Brad’s biggest passion was Archery, which led him to events competing in many different states across the country. Moving to the Springfield area, Brad started his own successful business where he worked for 17 years. After buying his own land and raising two sons to appreciate the outdoors, he sold his company and decided to start a new chapter in life. With a love for farmland, hunting properties, and everything outdoors, Brad teamed up with High Point Land Company to help others find their dream of owning their own ground and achieving their individual goals. Whether you are buying or selling, Brad’s experience with farms, outdoor recreation, and business knowledge is ready to go to work for you.

Land for Sale by Brad Anderson

Laclede County, MO
"Living in paradise". This 4300 sqft house on 82+/- acres boasts not just one, but THREE metal outbuildings. One at 70'x80' even has plumbing, electric, HVAC, insulation and a bathroom! With plenty of pasture land, good fences, and a picturesque pond...
82.44± Acres
Barry County, MO
Nestled on the West side of Table Rock Lake, is a peaceful building lot with access to a meticulously manicured grass Landing Strip. The sight of planes gracefully touching down against the backdrop of the shimmering waters creates a picturesque scen...
0.33± Acres

Contact Brad Anderson